Who is The Crown?

The Crown is an ambiguous title that can be easily misappropriated intentionally or otherwise. 

For the purposes of Maori Customary Law, The Crown is the Royal Head of The British Empire. In 1835, The Crown was King William IV. In 1840, The Crown was Queen Victoria I. Currently The Crown is Queen Elizabeth II.

At no point do we recognise the settler immigrant parliament as The Crown nor a representative of The Crown. Nor do we recognise the courts as The Crown. In order to fulfil the documents, we recognise only The Royal Head of The British Empire and no subject of Her Majesty, regardless of rank, (High Court Judge, Governor General, etc) may make comment on the lawful designation of The Crown, for they are subject to The Crown AND The Constitutional Order of Nu Tireni.

It is only the 2 parties (The Royal Head of The British Empire & Nga Rangatira O Nga Hapu O Nu Tireni) parley to the designation of The Crown.

Are the Government and the Crown the same thing? – video below.

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