What is The Sovereigns Court?


  In its simplest form, The Sovereigns Court is the executive authority division of Te Whakaminenga, that is activated when the need to preserve Maori Customary Law and the Constitutional Order is required. It is the executive body that executes  Maori Customary Law to protect the interests of Hapu in their pursuit of Self-Determination.

  The Sovereigns Court is activated following the due process of the Hapu Order. Simply put, the Hapu complete their determinations and resolutions under their kawa and tikanga. The Native Council processes the determinations and resolutions into Order, (now the Hapu Order). The Hapu Order is then processed through the Sovereigns Court to activate Maori Customary Law under the Constitutional Order of Nu Tireni.

The Sovereigns Court will verify the accurate completion of the process and inform any of the lower courts of the outcome under Constitutional process and customary kawa and tikanga. The matter is now closed and Hapu are free to proceed with their Self-Determination.

The Sovereigns Court supersedes all other courts in Nu Tireni as being the Court of The Sovereigns under the Constitutional Order of Nu Tireni. The customary practices of Hapu kawa and tikanga takes precedence before The Sovereigns Court is required to get involved.
When kawa and tikanga are exercised freely without interference, The Sovereigns Court will not be required to get involved.




Theme: Overlay by Kaira