What’s the difference with the Native Council?

The Native Council is simply a term that we use to distinguish between Hapu authenticated and Hapu not. When the term Native Council is used, it is simply to identify ourselves separate from those Hapu who wish to carry out their own process as opposed to those Hapu under the Native Council process.

When you see “Native Council”, you are seeing an extended process that is continued on from the Hapu process of kawa and tikanga in exercise. So in essence, the Native Council is simply the Hapu in Order and the Hapu in Process. More accurately, the Native Council is the Hapu administrative body, that processes the Hapu determinations and resolutions, under kawa and tikanga, into Hapu Order, in preparation for validation of due process of The Constitutional Order.

The Hapu Order (Native Council) documentation may be printed up and passed to The Secretariat for validating due process of the Constitutional Order. If further lawful proceedings are required, the matter will be passed onto The Sovereigns Court for finalising.


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