What is The Native Council process?

The Native Council process is the process performed by The Native Council that we will discuss shortly. The Native Council is simply the administration body of The Hapu. It simply records the Hapu decisions, (their determinations and resolutions) into Order. It generates any required paperwork that will bring the Hapu Order into the Constitutional Order, and under the protection of Constitutional Law.

So, logically, The Native Council is the secondary authority to The Hapu. It is the “Hapu Process” that is the foundation to our authority, however, we will discuss The Native Council process below.

The Native Council process

1. The administrators sit in on the Hapu hui as recorders for any issues tended to by The Hapu. (They are not there to keep the order of the hui)

2. The hui is mediated by a selected Hapu member/s or the attending kaumatua and run according to their Hapu hui process.

3. At the conclusion of the hui, the administrators record the Hapu decisions and the outcomes for the purpose of any possible further actions. They may utilise the online Hapu database for this.

When using the online database, all that is required is:
– The matter
– The determinations
– The resolutions

4. If access to The Sovereigns Court for further processing is required, The Native Council may print out the relevant documents and continue with the process. (The further process will be discussed with The Native Council administrators when the Hapu has completed their authentication).

5. The role of The Native Council (the administrators) is now complete. It may be rested and a return to Hapu self determination may be exercised.


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